donderdag 24 januari 2008


Coffee House, Sündsvall, Sweden

Hello my new friends from Sweden / Italy / France / Romania / Belgium / Poland / girl from Canada / Germany and The Netherlands.

So, I've had loads of fika's, dinner-party, regular parties these last couple of days. It was unreal!! I have only been eating once at my own place. But I had loads of fun with my new friends from all over!

School is cool.

Yes, it is. I love my university because the place looks really nice. There are different buildings where you have to follow different courses. But you don't have to go outside to get to the next building. You just walk around and you're in the next building before you even know it.

For example: you enter building M...and then you walk around and go outside again but then you find out you're standing in front of building L. Wow!!

Anyways, things are going great. I've changed Sportcenters because the one in the center called EGO was a little more expensive than the one next to the university. But EGO is a really, really, really nice place. Because the place is HUUUGE. And they've got alot of different fitness-stuff. And...certainly not unimportant: the most beautiful swedish girls are a member of the EGO-Hälsostudio. I'm gonna miss 'em so bad...!

Today I had class from this American lady called Susan. She's really nice and funny. But the course she gives, called Comparative Media Systems, is quite difficult. And you have to buy a 610 SEK book. That's alot. So we all decided to get the book from the library. But now there's a problem. There are only 9 books for 40 people; we have to share.

Oh, I've told you earlier about FIKA and DINNER-PARTIES. Here are some pictures of those lovely moments I've had with my new friends:

Fika at Coffee House:

Paolo (Italy) & Valentina (Italy)

Mirko (Italy), Kareem (Germany), Andrea (Italy), Paolo (Italy)

'Peppo' (Italy), Doris (Germany), Danique (The Netherlands) and Monica (Canada).

Doris & Danique & Giuseppe aka 'Peppo' And after this picture, my battery was empty...!

Dinnerparty at Valentina & Kareem & Monica's place:

Luca (Italy), Giuseppe 'peppo', Paolo & Kareem,

Kareem, the lucky schweinhund, chilling between two Swedish girls: I-forgot-her-name-but-she-taught-me-a-few-swedish-sentences and Kristina / Cristina / Christina

Danique, Valentina, Peppo, Doris (Germany)

Go to my flickr to see more pics.
(Will upload more, very soon!)

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